Buon pomeriggio, miei cari lettori caffeinomani!
Oggi approda su Coffee&Books un bellissimo blogtour di un romanzo che uscirà domani in America per Curiosity Quills Press. Adoro il genere contemporary e la cover è davvero fantastica! E' un grandissimo piacere per me partecipare a questo blogtour e ringrazio la casa editrice per questa opportunità!
La storia raccontata in Burn Baby Burn Baby non è una storia facile. Le tematiche sono forti, ma vi è anche la dolcezza di una storia d'amore che ha l'intento di smorzare la violenza e la cattiveria di cui è circondato il personaggio di Francis, un ragazzo sfregiato e vittima del bullismo. La nuova arrivata a scuola, Rachel Higgins, riuscirà a dare dignità alle sue giornate e alla sua vita da adolescente.
In questa tappa del blogtour potrete leggere un ESTRATTO dal romanzo, che sicuramente catturerà la vostra attenzione come ha catturato la mia. Buona lettura! ;)
Burn Baby Burn Baby
by Kevin Craig
Genere: contemporary, young adult
Editore: Curiosity Quills Press
Cover Artist: Eugene Teplitsky
Data di pubblicazione: 11 Dicembre 2014
Inedito in Italia
Seventeen-year-old Francis Fripp’s confidence is practically non-existent since his abusive father drenched him in accelerant and threw a match at him eight years ago. Now badly scarred, Francis relies on his best friend Trig to protect him from the constant bullying doled out at the hands of his nemesis, Brandon Hayley—the unrelenting boy who gave him the dreaded nickname of Burn Baby.
The new girl at school, Rachel Higgins, is the first to see past Francis’s pariah-inducing scars. If Brandon’s bullying doesn’t destroy him, Francis might experience life as a normal teenager for the first time in his life. He just has to avoid Brandon and convince himself he’s worthy of Rachel’s attentions. Sounds easy enough, but Francis himself has a hard time seeing past his scars. And Brandon is getting violently frustrated, as his attempts to bully Francis are constantly thwarted. Francis is in turmoil as he simultaneously rushes toward his first kiss and a possible violent end.
“Hey, Burn Baby,” Brandon Hayley says from across the hall just as we are about to bust out of the school for the weekend. Hearing that name immediately takes me out at the knees. Every time. “Don’t get too close to the fire this weekend!” He makes the noise of sizzling flesh, or rather what he thinks sizzling flesh sounds like. But I can vouch a hundred percent, it’s not at all like the sound real sizzling flesh makes.
“Watch it, Hayley,” Trig says, walking up to Brandon like he’s gonna tear his face off. Trig is ripped, just enough to make Brandon think twice whenever the two of them have a flare-up. He’s not sure he could take Trig. I know he can’t. Trig is like this skilled ninja maniac. He’d take any kid in school with his hands tied behind his back. “Don’t make me take you down in front of such a pretty girl.”
Brandon has the school’s number two hottie draped on his arm. Amy Pritcher. She’s a dark goddess. I sometimes dream about her. Like that would ever happen. Amy smiles coyly at Trig. I swear he gets that same smile from the librarian, my mom, the school nurse, every woman and girl in town. I wish I had that kind of power.
“Don’t let your mouth write cheques your body can’t cash, Twig,” Brandon says. The veins in Trig’s neck bulge at the mention of the hated nickname. He’s anything but a twig, and it drives him ape-shit when Brandon calls him this.
“Watch it, Cro-Magnon. I’d clean the floor with you before you knew what hit you,” Trig says, drawing closer to Brandon and winking at Amy. She’s one step away from giddy laughter; she’s so enthralled by Trig’s attentions. It’s like she’s not even strapped to Brandon’s arm anymore.
“Come on, Trig,” I say. “Just leave it alone.”
“Listen to Burn Baby, Twig,” Brandon says. He’s not even noticing the thing going on between Trig and his girl. Chump. “Keep walking.”
Trig takes a pretend swing at the side of Brandon’s head, coming within a hair from cranking his head in. Brandon flinches away from the swing, even though Trig had no intention of connecting.
“Two for flinching, moron,” Trig says as he slams the door open and disappears into the sunlight beyond. He knows he won. He made the big, mean jock flinch. Mission accomplished.
I walk past Brandon and Amy and join Trig outside, giving Amy a little smile on my way by. I get one in return, a little something for the fantasy bank.
“Holy shit, she’s hot,” I say as I catch up with Trig. “What I wouldn’t give for a piece of—”
“Slow down, dude,” Trig says. “Out of your league. See the way she was looking at me, though? I’m a superstar. You, though, should start with something you can handle before jumping into the big boys’ pool.”
I punch his arm as we make our way out of the schoolyard. “I can handle anything. I’m more than ready, trust me.”
“I see you with, hmm, maybe Tracey Dixon? Emily Houghton? Someone like that. Someone you can ease yourself into, someone not afraid to wear overalls and plaid. Amy Pritcher? No. Man. Just no.”
“Call me around six,” I say. “I’ll let you know when the witch leaves on her non-date.”
“Smoke clouds at six for a coast is clear update. Gotcha,” he says. “I’d walk home with you, man, but I gotta find Georgia. Her parents won’t be home until five and I’m feeling kind of lucky.” Trig pumps his guns at me and smiles. Yeah, he’ll probably get lucky before tonight. “Catch ya later, dude.”
About the Author

Kevin Craig is the author of three previous novels; Summer on Fire, Sebastian’s Poet, and The Reasons. He is a 4-time winner of the Muskoka Novel Marathon’s Best Novel Award. Kevin is also a playwright and has had eight 10-minute plays produced. His poetry, short stories, memoir and articles have been published internationally. Kevin was a founding member of the Ontario Writers’ Conference and a long-time member of the Writers’ Community of Durham Region (WCDR). He is represented by literary agent Stacey Donaghy of Donaghy Literary Group.
Find Kevin Craig online
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