Buon pomeriggio, miei cari lettori! ^^
E' tempo di Book Blitz e quello a cui partecipo oggi è davvero molto, molto intrigante, perché il romanzo in questione è un fantasy paranormale con tanti elementi pronti a catturare ogni genere di lettore. La cover è, a dir poco, meravigliosa, così sensuale e bella che è un vero piacere per gli occhi! La trama mi ha molto incuriosita e non vi nego che mi è venuta una voglia matta di leggere questo libro, forse per quella piccola incursione del genere post-apocalittico, o perché le storie di vampiri mi hanno sempre affascinato molto. Scopriamo insieme questo bel romanzo, grazie anche ad un estratto che trovate sotto. In più, per tutti voi, un fantastico GIVEAWAY, che vi permetterà di vincere un ebook del romanzo, e un'ulteriore chance se vorrete vincere un bellissimo segnalibro.
Ringrazio Giselle e Xpresso Book Tours per l'opportunità di partecipare a questo entusiasmante evento.
Ringrazio Giselle e Xpresso Book Tours per l'opportunità di partecipare a questo entusiasmante evento.
Vampire's Bane
by Suzannah Daniels
Series: Vampire's Bane #1
Genres: fantasy, Paranormal, Young Adult
Publication Date: 14 Aprile 2015
Inedito in Italia
Inedito in Italia
VAMPIRE’S BANE is a mature young adult paranormal fantasy/romance/action & adventure/post-apocalyptic story.
Now available for pre-order on Amazon…will be released on Amazon on April 14, 2015.
A lethal sword.
A dangerous mission.
A seventeen-year-old girl finding her way in a world that is nothing like she remembered.
When Maylin Kavanagh’s parents surrendered her to The Program, they swore it was for her protection. After being confined in a small underground cell for nearly two years, she is finally released.
But the world has changed.
Most of the populace has been wiped out by a deadly disease, and the rules of society have regressed. But that’s not the worst of it. When her group is kidnapped by a band of rogue vampires, Maylin realizes the decline of the human population has brought other races to the forefront—races she never knew existed. And now they’re all battling for survival and power.
In his father’s absence, Thane Warwick must lead his people. He has two priorities: find his father and find humans who can supply blood to his tribe. Immediately intrigued by his latest captive, he becomes interested in Maylin for more than just her blood, but he soon discovers that he must make a choice between his father and her.
Despite their attraction, Maylin and Thane each have an agenda, and only one can be the victor.
VAMPIRE’S BANE is the first book in the VAMPIRE’S BANE series. While it does end at a natural turning point in the heroine’s journey, it is an ongoing story, and not all questions will be answered. You will need to read this series in order.

The Author
I fired the gun.
Time slowed as the bullet spiraled toward his shoulder.
Another shot rang out, though I had no idea who had fired it.
My bullet pierced my target in the shoulder. It pushed him back, but it didn’t knock him off his feet. He released the girl, and her body crumpled to the ground. The second figure immediately crouched over her.
I fired at the man still on his feet, hitting him in the chest. His head snapped up, and he glared directly at me.
Shock assaulted my system. I sucked in air, my mind desperately searching for some logic to apply to the scene before me. His eyes glowed an eerie red, a luminous warning to stay back. Blood dribbled down his chin. I fired a third time, but his swift movements caused my bullet to miss its mark.
Before I could process what was happening, he was on me, his hands holding my head like a vice. He bit into my neck, and I swung my arms backward, hitting him with the butt of my gun.
“Enough!” a deep voice commanded.
My captor raised his head, but his hands kept me firmly in their grasp. Someone was crying, but I couldn’t turn my head to find the source.
A man stood in the shadows, and the two strangers who had attacked us stood quietly, reluctant to release their captives.
“I said ‘enough.’” The man strolled calmly toward us. As he reached the soft glow of the fire, I realized that he was tall, his body lean and muscular. He didn’t look nearly as old as I had first guessed. His height and authoritative voice disguised his youthfulness, and I detected just a hint of a European accent, probably British softened by years of being in America.
“Thane, surely you realize we’re hungry and there are so few of them left,” my captor implored in a soft Irish lilt.
“So you’ll solve our problem by killing them?”
“I won’t, but….”
Even though he still gripped my head, I took advantage of their distraction and snaked my gun across my waist and between my side and left arm. I squeezed the trigger, sinking a bullet into my captor’s stomach.
He grunted and hissed air out between his teeth, but his grip never lessened. How was it possible that gunshots seemed to have little effect on him?
In seconds, the one they had called Thane gripped my wrist, the sudden movement knocking the gun from my hand. He shoved my captor away from me and contained me with one arm wrapped around my body like an impenetrable band of iron.
Thane chuckled softly over my head. “Let’s not underestimate this one.”

The Author
She is the author of Viking's Embrace, a historical romance, and Ghostly Encounter, Book One of her Ghostly series (young adult paranormal romance).
Currently, she lives in Chattanooga, Tennessee with her husband of twenty-six years and her teenage daughter. Her son lives nearby. The family pets include a Lab mix, a Basset Hound, a Shih Tzu, and a sweet, little kitty.
Author links:
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Il Giveaway è internazionale, quindi potete partecipare tutti. In palio 1 copia Paperback di Vampire's Bane (US only) e ben 5 ebook di Vampire's Bane (INTL). I vincitori verranno estratti il 13 Maggio. Vi prego di lasciare i vostri indirizzi email nei commenti, se partecipate, così potrò farvi inviare l'ebook in caso di vittoria. I premi verranno inviati dopo il 14 Maggio. Il vincitore della copia ebook verrà estratto tra coloro che commenteranno questo post.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
E, infine, un'ultima opportunità di vincere qualcosa grazie a questo Book Blitz e a questo romanzo. Per voi un fantastico segnalibro se farete una recensione del romanzo durante la prima settimana di release di Vampire's Bane (dal 14 al 20 Aprile 2015). Sotto, nel banner, trovate l'indirizzo al quale inviare il link della vostra recensione.
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A presto!

Oddio, sai che la trama mi attira tantissimo?! *___* Invece la copertina, purtroppo, mi intriga poco... anche se hai ragione sui colori, sono molto caldi e belli! :)
RispondiEliminapartecipo grazie
RispondiEliminaemail: milubijoux1974@libero.it
Ciao, non sto partecipando al giveaway.. vorrei solo chiederti una cosa.
RispondiEliminaAnche io ho un blog e vorrei partecipare a qualche book blitz o cover reveal.
Come devo fare?
Potresti aiutarmi? Grazie mille in anticipo:)