Eccomi con un nuovo Book Blitz per voi, in cui vi presenterò un romanzo davvero carinissimo, che mi ha colpito per la trama e la romantica cover. Si tratta di Kinda Maybe, un new adult in cui la protagonista decide di vivere il sogno di una vita a New York, ma sarà proprio qui che incapperà nello scapolo più ambito della città, che stravolgerà tutti i suoi progetti. Riuscirà Kat a rimanere fedele a se stessa e a vivere la sua favola a New York?
Ringrazio Xpresso Book Tours per l'opportunità di partecipare a questo Book Blitz e vi comunico che il Giveaway che troverete alla fine del post è internazionale, quindi potete partecipare liberamente! :)
Ci sono tantissimi bei premi in palio e, commentando il post e lasciando la vostra email, parteciperete anche all'estrazione per vincere una copia ebook del romanzo!
WELCOME to the Release Day Party and Giveaway for KINDA MAYBE. KINDA MAYBE is a New Adult contemporary romance by Elise Daniels.
We’re celebrating the release with an awesome giveaway with lots of gift cards and books.
To make things even better, the book is on sale for $2.99 for five days only! Go get your copy today.
COME JOIN US on Facebook where we’re having a great Release Party with steamy excerpts and flash giveaways!
DON’T FORGET to also enter the Rafflecopter and win Amazon gift cards and books!
Kinda Maybe
by Elise Daniels
Determined to live out a lifelong dream, Kat Hilliard moves cross country after college to New York City to chase her destiny. Knocking out 140 character tweets for a financial firm by day and engaging in all the sexy options New York has to offer by night, Kat is not prepared when New York’s most eligible bachelor, Reese Tremaine, bumps into her on a downtown train. Her simple life will never be the same.
Swept into the hideaways and haunts of the extremely rich and decadent, burdened by an unwanted celebrity, Kat fights to remain true to herself as great sex, a heated political campaign and the dark secrets of a soldier returned home push her toward the one mistake that could keep her from living out her New York fairytale.
Slowly fading into the shadows I step lightly away and down the street making my way to the white sports car with the dimly glowing dashboard lights within. I cross over to the passenger side door and knock quietly on the glass.
The door clicks unlocked. I hesitate before opening the door and getting down into the car. I stare at Reese’s tender eyes as I pull the door closed. The dome light turns off. His eyes continue sparkling with the reds and greens of the dashboard.
“I waited,” he says.

Reese grins. An electric tingle shoots through my belly. The car pulls away from the curb and begins moving quickly. The engine is so silent I didn’t even know it was on.
I keep his hand, gripping it tightly as I let both our hands rest on my left thigh. We don’t say another word while he drives quickly through the abandoned residential streets of the Brooklyn night.
The excitement of us fills up the small, contained space inside his expensive, low to the ground sports car. My defenses are down. I bathe in the drowning magic of our undeniable connection. I accept all the manipulation, the inconvenience, the likelihood of being used.
Right now it feels right. I am tired of thinking. I needed to get out of my mind and inside the moment. My eyelids drop. All is black. The only things I feel are his warm fingers laced with mine.
It’s three a.m. and we race alone across the Brooklyn Bridge into Manhattan. I lift my hand to touch his beautiful face. When he exhales his lips form a relaxed smile. The air we breathe becomes rich with the buzzing need of our beating hearts.
Elise Daniels spends a lot of time on long walks through nature imagining all kinds of thrilling scenarios. Her novels are a necessary therapy, an attempt to write it all down. For Elise, as for all voracious readers, one life is just not enough.
Having traveled and dreamed of living in so many cities, Elise enjoys a scintillating location as much as she does sexy grins and hard bodies. Her BIG CITY NIGHTS series is an ongoing attempt to experience everything that can quicken the heartbeat, overwhelm the senses and get a good girl to chase after her darkest desires.
Elise loves hearing from readers, so drop her a line whenever and wherever.
Author links:
Compilando il form sottostante parteciperete al Giveaway organizzato dall'autrice, che mette in palio tutto quello che leggete nella lista qui sotto. In più, commentando questo post e lasciando la vostra email, una di voi potrà vincere una copia ebook di Kinda Maybe! Estrarrò il vincitore il 10 Giugno 2015.
Compilando il form sottostante parteciperete al Giveaway organizzato dall'autrice, che mette in palio tutto quello che leggete nella lista qui sotto. In più, commentando questo post e lasciando la vostra email, una di voi potrà vincere una copia ebook di Kinda Maybe! Estrarrò il vincitore il 10 Giugno 2015.
Blitz-wide giveaway (INTL)
$25 Amazon Gift Card
$10 Amazon Gift Card
$5 Amazon Gift Card
2 ecopies of Awake by Elise Daniels
Signed Paperback copy of Kinda Maybe by Elise Daniels
$3.99 ebook of choice
2 ecopies of Beautiful Ruin by Alison Foster
$2.99 ebook of choice
2 ecopies of Kinda Maybe by Elise Daniels

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