Su Coffee&Books arriva un nuovo Book Blitz, organizzato da Xpresso Book Tours, che ringrazio, come sempre, per le splendide occasioni che mi concede.
Il libro è uno di quei contemporary che piacciono a me, con protagonisti tormentati capaci di rendere il romanzo intenso e suscitare molte emozioni. E' una storia toccante, che mi ha colpita immediatamente, anche per la scelta della cover molto suggestiva. Non ho mai letto nulla dell'autrice Wendy Owens, ma ha pubblicato diversi YA e NA e, sicuramente, questo è uno dei titoli che mi piacerebbe leggere.
Sotto alcune informazioni sul romanzo, un bell'estratto e un Giveaway che vi darà la possibilità di vincere una Gift Card Amazon da 25$ (INTL). In più, tra tutti coloro che commenteranno il post, l'occasione di aggiudicarsi una copia ebook del romanzo.
Sotto alcune informazioni sul romanzo, un bell'estratto e un Giveaway che vi darà la possibilità di vincere una Gift Card Amazon da 25$ (INTL). In più, tra tutti coloro che commenteranno il post, l'occasione di aggiudicarsi una copia ebook del romanzo.
Wash Me Away
by Wendy Owens
Monsters have a way of following you.
Immersed in a new world at boarding school, Addy Buckley learns she’s not the only one with secrets. While trying to navigate the minefield of painful lies that seem to be rattling around her family’s past, she meets soft on the eyes and heavy on the heart, Napoleon Blake.
When faced with the darkness, Addy must decide to cling to her new life and friends or let the monster carry her away. The choice is hers, sink or swim.
The Author
Since then she has branched into NA Contemporary Romance and released titles to include Stubborn Love, Only In Dreams, and Do Anything. Her next romance, The Luckiest is scheduled to be released in July 2014.
When she’s not writing, this dog lover can be found spending time with her tech geek husband, their three amazing kids, and two pups. She loves to cook and is a film fanatic.
Author Links:
- Website:
- Twitter:
My heart leaps into my throat, and time has lost meaning. The entire car leans up on two wheels as it travels to the left, rather than straight ahead. My body presses into my father’s, and I wish more than anything I could hold myself away from him. He reaches for the door handle, but his efforts are futile, as the water has already risen to his window. We continue to move with the current, until it completely picks up the car. The metal tomb flips and turns onto the driver’s side door, snapping off the mirror. I don’t think. I struggle to unbuckle my seatbelt with one hand, the weight of my body pulling the strap taut, and crank down the passenger window with the other. Like a seamless and rehearsed dance, everything happens perfectly. The window is down, the buckle releases its grasp, and I grab on to the edge of the open window. Using the edge of the steering wheel, and my headrest, I push myself up and out the opening.
The car slows, but it’s still moving with the flow of the water, rocking from side to side as the muffled sounds of metal scraping against the earth fill the vessel. “Addy Mae,” he cries up after me. It’s a tone I’ve never heard from him, or at least I don’t recall. I look down at him; his eyes are wide with fear. I feel sorry for him, the need to help him overwhelming me.
I drop to my knees, readying myself to extend a hand. The car jerks unexpectedly, and I fall to my stomach, gripping the rim of the window for support. A cracking sound echoes from inside of the car. I look down to see a large rock has wedged itself firmly into the windshield, cracked glass splintering outward.
“Goddamn it, Addy, you better get me the hell out of here,” he shouts. There he is, I think. The father I know. My hand is halfway extended when I pause and pull it back. “What the—” The windshield gives way, and the shards rush inward with a gush of water. His expression, his words—they all disappear in an instant, beneath the murky, churning waters.
The car slows, but it’s still moving with the flow of the water, rocking from side to side as the muffled sounds of metal scraping against the earth fill the vessel. “Addy Mae,” he cries up after me. It’s a tone I’ve never heard from him, or at least I don’t recall. I look down at him; his eyes are wide with fear. I feel sorry for him, the need to help him overwhelming me.
I drop to my knees, readying myself to extend a hand. The car jerks unexpectedly, and I fall to my stomach, gripping the rim of the window for support. A cracking sound echoes from inside of the car. I look down to see a large rock has wedged itself firmly into the windshield, cracked glass splintering outward.
“Goddamn it, Addy, you better get me the hell out of here,” he shouts. There he is, I think. The father I know. My hand is halfway extended when I pause and pull it back. “What the—” The windshield gives way, and the shards rush inward with a gush of water. His expression, his words—they all disappear in an instant, beneath the murky, churning waters.
Compilando il form sottostante potreste vincere una Gift Card Amazon da 25$ (INTL). Scade il 7 Maggio 2015.
In più, tra tutti coloro che commenteranno questo post, estrarrò un fortunato vincitore che si aggiudicherà una copia ebook del romanzo. L'estrazione avverrà il 20 Maggio 2015. Se partecipate, lasciate, cortesemente, un indirizzo email al quale venire contattati!
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