Ultimamente, nonostante la lista delle cose da fare e dei libri da leggere sia lunghissima, non mi risparmio mai e, anche qui sul blog, ho preso ad occuparmi un po' di più delle pubblicazioni straniere, che ho sempre seguito e che mi appassionano quanto quelle italiane. Oggi un bel Book Blitz in cui si parla di due romanzi che mi hanno sempre incuriosito molto. L'autrice è Michelle Madow e i romanzi che vi presento fanno parte della serie The Secret Diamond Sisters, chick-lit adolescenziale dai toni leggeri, in stile Gossip Girl, ma permeato anche da un po' di mistero. La storia di tre sorelle che, un giorno, scoprono la vera identità del loro padre ed entrano a far parte di un mondo in cui nulla può essere loro negato. Ma ben altri segreti si celano nel loro passato e presto si accorgeranno che quel mondo patinato e sfavillante non è che un'illusione... Una serie davvero interessante questa, che merita un bel posto nella mia affollatissima wishlist e che prima o poi leggerò. Questo Book Blitz prevede, oltre la presentazione dei romanzi e uno speciale estratto (il punto di vista di Savannah Diamon, tratto dal primo libro della serie), anche un fantastico Giveaway, che troverete alla fine del post!
The Secret Diamond Sisters
by Michelle Madow

Serie: The Secret Diamond Sisters #1
Pagine: 381
Link: Add to Goodreads
Link: Add to Goodreads
Editore: Harlequin Teen
Release Date: 25 Febbraio 2014
Savannah. Courtney. Peyton.
The three sisters grew up not knowing their father and not quite catching a break. But it looks like their luck is about to change when they find out the secret identity of their long-lost dad—a billionaire Las Vegas hotel owner who wants them to come live in a gorgeous penthouse hotel suite. Suddenly the Strip's most exclusive clubs are all-access, and with an unlimited credit card each, it should be easier than ever to fit right in. But in a town full of secrets and illusion, fitting in is nothing compared to finding out the truth about their past.
The three sisters grew up not knowing their father and not quite catching a break. But it looks like their luck is about to change when they find out the secret identity of their long-lost dad—a billionaire Las Vegas hotel owner who wants them to come live in a gorgeous penthouse hotel suite. Suddenly the Strip's most exclusive clubs are all-access, and with an unlimited credit card each, it should be easier than ever to fit right in. But in a town full of secrets and illusion, fitting in is nothing compared to finding out the truth about their past.
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"Sexy and often electrifying ... Gossip Girl meets The Princess Diaries in a city that never sleeps."
"This quick and entertaining read is filled with glitz and glamour ... get ready for one crazy and fabulous ride."
RT Book Reviews
by Michelle Madow

Serie: The Secret Diamond Sisters #2
Pagine: 448
Link: Add to Goodreads
Link: Add to Goodreads
Editore: Harlequin Teen
Release Date: 28 Ottobre 2014
All-access doesn't mean no problems.
The three Diamond sisters survived the summer in style after coming to live with their long-lost billionaire father. But making a place for themselves at their exclusive new Las Vegas private school is throwing them any number of gold-plated curves. Savannah's YouTube stardom turns into a Sweet Sixteen reality show extravaganza—with complimentary enemies on the side. Dangerous flirtations don't keep Peyton from a gamble that will risk far more than she planned to bet. And when Courtney and the sisters' archenemy, Madison, uncover two explosive secrets, it will rock even this town of glittering illusion—and turn their lives upside down all over again.
Sisterhood, first crushes, and scandalous secrets explode in book two of Michelle Madow's riveting series, The Secret Diamond Sisters.
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Damien leaned lazily against the door frame. “So you’re the infamous Diamond sisters?” “Infamous?” Savannah asked. “I’m one of the Diamond sisters, but I didn’t know we were infamous.” “I’m kidding.” He laughed. “There’s just been some talk about you three, and everyone’s been curious to meet you.” “Oh, okay.” Savannah knew Adrian Diamond was well known, but she hadn’t realized that meant people would talk about her and her sisters, too. “Who’s everyone?” “Just some of us who go to the Goodman School,” he said. “A few of us live here and in nearby condos. Your dad made a donation for the school’s new sports center, and the talk is you’ll be attending in the fall.” Savannah had hoped her mom would get better before the end of summer so she wouldn’t have to start her sophomore year with total strangers. She bit her lower lip, trying to figure out how to reply in a way that wouldn’t make her sound clueless. “We haven’t talked with our dad about school yet.” Well, they hadn’t talked to their dad at all yet, but Damien didn’t have to know that. And Savannah hadn’t realized that donations—or any payments—were necessary to go to school. At Fairfield High, new kids just signed up on their first day. “Too bad,” Damien said. “You’ll have to let me know when you find out. But you’ll be at the Fourth of July party at Myst tonight, right?” “Yes.” Savannah breathed a sigh of relief at the mention of something she knew a little bit about. That was the place Adrian had mentioned in his note. “Have you been there before?” “Been there before...” He repeated her question, lingering on every syllable. “Of course I’ve been there before. It’s the hottest new club on the Strip. And it’s the best, just like everything else at the Diamond.”
Damien leaned lazily against the door frame. “So you’re the infamous Diamond sisters?” “Infamous?” Savannah asked. “I’m one of the Diamond sisters, but I didn’t know we were infamous.” “I’m kidding.” He laughed. “There’s just been some talk about you three, and everyone’s been curious to meet you.” “Oh, okay.” Savannah knew Adrian Diamond was well known, but she hadn’t realized that meant people would talk about her and her sisters, too. “Who’s everyone?” “Just some of us who go to the Goodman School,” he said. “A few of us live here and in nearby condos. Your dad made a donation for the school’s new sports center, and the talk is you’ll be attending in the fall.” Savannah had hoped her mom would get better before the end of summer so she wouldn’t have to start her sophomore year with total strangers. She bit her lower lip, trying to figure out how to reply in a way that wouldn’t make her sound clueless. “We haven’t talked with our dad about school yet.” Well, they hadn’t talked to their dad at all yet, but Damien didn’t have to know that. And Savannah hadn’t realized that donations—or any payments—were necessary to go to school. At Fairfield High, new kids just signed up on their first day. “Too bad,” Damien said. “You’ll have to let me know when you find out. But you’ll be at the Fourth of July party at Myst tonight, right?” “Yes.” Savannah breathed a sigh of relief at the mention of something she knew a little bit about. That was the place Adrian had mentioned in his note. “Have you been there before?” “Been there before...” He repeated her question, lingering on every syllable. “Of course I’ve been there before. It’s the hottest new club on the Strip. And it’s the best, just like everything else at the Diamond.”

To chat with Michelle and other fans about her books, join Michelle Madow's Street Team on Facebook!
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E, adesso, per voi, un fantastico GIVEAWAY (internazionale!) che include tanti fantastici gadget dedicati alla serie The Secret Diamond Sisters (balsamo labbra, cartoline, segnalibro, adesivo e PIN segreto!)
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Che ne pensate di questa serie? La trovate interessante?
A me ispira moltissimo, di sicuro una lettura che potrebbe affascinarmi per molteplici motivi. E poi è ambientata a Las Vegas... cioè, WOOOW.. Non credete anche voi? :P
A presto!
Anche a me questa serie ha incuriosito molto sin da quando ne sono venuta a conoscenza ^^ Prima o poi la comincerò :)